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Secret Academy Episode - Justin Schenck

We are the most “on the go” generation in history. It seems now a days that more and more people are stating a simple fact, “I don’t have time to watch TV”. But everyone needs entertainment, so where are these people turning to? Podcasts. There a billions of podcasts that can be found on millions of different topics ranging from Business to Star Wars Fandom and can be downloaded right onto your phone for easy access. Justin Schenck is a successful podcaster who founded the Growth Now Movement podcast, a show dedicated to self-help and encouragement, something our generation has also taken a liking to understand in the recent years. While you may think that podcasting is for those with expertise in their field or only the famous people can make a show successful, that isn’t necessarily the case. Justin is a guest today to teach you how anyone and everyone could start a podcast without having any pre-existing fame to help you out.

Lesson's in Today's Interview:
  • Can you really make a future being a podcaster.
  • How to start podcasting even being a normal person.
  • What is the right way to start a podcast today.
  • Consistency is key in the podcast world.
  • Humility in this game is helpful, and remember your audience is helping you with their time.
  • What types of topics should you talk about on your podcast.
  • How does co-hosting a podcast work.
  • Always understand your market before jumping into one.
  • How to successfully grow your podcast audience.
  • What is the future of podcasting.
Full Episode, Downloadable Podcast, and Other Episode Resources Available for Members Only:
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Founder of Clever Investor
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