February, 2012

Luxury Real Estate – The German Floating Home

Luxury Real Estate - The German Floating Home

Luxury real estate is not always about size and luxury but rather creativity and this particular home in Germany takes the cake for creativity. The floating house as the name says is a home built on the water and is actually floating giving you 360 degree view of the ocean as well as 7 different boat ports allowing your vehicle…

Marconi Museum’s $30 Million Car Collection

Marconi Museum's $30 Million Car Collection

Tucked away in the beautiful Orange County city of Tustin, California, resides a hidden $30 million car collection at the Marconi Museum. The museum was founded by Dick Marconi, an avid car collector and health medicine entrepreneur, who decided to purchase a 100,000 sq ft warehouse and turn it into a non profit automotive museum, featuring the worlds rarest cars…

Playing Life with a Different Zero

Playing Life with a Different Zero

It is often true that people are in different situations in different conditions, therefore their ability to participate in opportunities exists on different levels and is often justified by a line like “You don’t know what that’s like?” or perhaps “You’ve never been through this…” We all understand that success can be defined differently and that we can all attain…