January, 2009

Why We Shouldn’t Bailout Detroit

Why We Shouldn't Bailout Detroit

Why are we bailing out Detroit? Why is the government getting involved with private sector bailouts? It seems that the economy of this country is turning into a big mockery. We are bailing out corporations, from banks to car manufacturers, have no oversight of the money, and deal with CEO’s that refuse to give up their pay/bonuses to save their…

Where Will You Be in 5 Years?

Where Will You Be in 5 Years?

In business, you simply cannot procrastinate. If the opportunity comes along, seize it right away! A few minutes ago, I came back from Starbucks where I had a very interesting conversation with two young men that I had met about 2 months ago or so who are interested in starting a business. Their goal is to open a mobile car…

Debt Consolidation

Debt Consolidation

I am often asked for advice on how to get out of debt and how to rebuild your credit. The first part to remember is that you are not alone. Many Americans are in the same position you are when it comes to debt. Its annoying, never ending and can keep you from achieving your goals, short and long term….

What is Credit?

What is Credit?

Credit is also known as “debt” in this country. Unless you have been living under a rock, then you have noticed that this country is run on credit. Almost all the small and large purchases you make in your lifetime will come into contact with a credit application, and yet has anyone told you what credit is, how it works,…