Procrastination – the Reason You’re Doing it ALL Wrong

Procrastination - the Reason You’re Doing it ALL Wrong

Scene: I’m in a discussion with Pejman and a self-proclaimed life coach who is listing his reasons for not taking action, proudly, as though they were his battle scars. Pejman asks, “Isn’t that just laziness?” To which the man responds, “Well, I wouldn’t consider it lazy…more like fear of failure…” and proceeded to explain how he was able to tell…

Why Multi-Tasking Should be 1 of the 7 Deadly Sins

Why Multi-Tasking Should be 1 of the 7 Deadly Sins

To be clear, self-aware, and precise in your entrepreneurship path, there are certain habits you must learn to develop. Multi-tasking…is not one of those. For years, I’d been practicing what I like to call ‘prideful ignorance’ in believing that my ability to juggle tasks was actually the reason for my success. In reality, multi-tasking was a way of avoiding my true…

Why Entrepreneurs are Super-Human

Why Entrepreneurs are Super-Human

There’s a great deal of courage and clarity required to be an entrepreneur. But what happens when mortality, humanness and emotions surface that challenge our best efforts? How do we manage the balance between beasting up for success and the slow drain of life’s battles?

Discipline – The Art of Being a Disciple of Greatness

Discipline - The Art of Being a Disciple of Greatness

When most of us hear the word discipline, we cringe. It’s not because we don’t want to succeed or that we don’t want to reach a goal. The issue lies in our association with the word- the emotional attachment to how we were punished in childhood for misbehaving. In coaching new entrepreneurs, I find a sticky belief and heavy resistance to…

Commitment – You’re Either in or You’re Out

Commitment - You’re Either in or You're Out

When most people decide to take on a new goal, an internal battle sparks. We’re torn between our current beliefs, a fear of change and avoidance of uncertainty, and the influence of our greater self pulling us up and out of stagnation. War. Our mind drifts on things that distract us. We stop focusing on what we we want and…

Self-Trust – A Greater Awareness of What You Can Be

Self-Trust - A Greater Awareness of What You Can Be

It’s been said that if you can’t love yourself you can’t love another. Same holds true with trust. Our habits, thoughts and choices all reflect the way in which we trust ourselves. The more we trust ourselves to act with clarity and purpose, the easier it is to make decisions on the fly. The less trust we have in ourselves, the…