10 Things You Can Learn from Trump’s Campaigns

10 Things You Can Learn from Trump’s Campaigns

Whether you love him or you hate him, you have to admit, Trump has done such a swell job at becoming a household name. The kind of popularity he possesses is something that a lot of business owners aspire to have, yet fail miserably at trying to attain. The fact is, what Trump managed to pull off isn’t an easy feat. Not…

Neuromarketing – How it Can Help You Grow Your Sales

Neuromarketing - How it Can Help You Grow Your Sales

Have you heard of the term “Neuromarketing”? It is an evolving field of study that marketers have been applying to optimize their marketing strategies. What’s so great about it, you might want to ask? Not only does it work, but it examines the human mind and the factors that influences purchasing behavior. In short, it is a common ground where both the…

4 Mindsets that Will Ruin Your Business Startup to Oblivion

4 Mindsets that Will Ruin Your Business Startup to Oblivion

Bitter. Discouraged. And defeated. Those words pretty much sum up how you felt days ago when your business startup fell to the gutters. And now, not only are you in bad shape emotionally, but your finances are also looking just as dire because of all the debts you incurred from trying to keep your business afloat. You then say to yourself, “Life…

5 Outsourcing Best Practices for Small Business Owners

5 Outsourcing Best Practices for Small Business Owners

Frustrated, confused, and you felt like you’re pretty much at your wits’ end, that’s how most business owners feel when wearing all sorts of hats just to keep their business running. Does the struggle sound familiar? Have you been wearing all sorts of hats yourself. You are not alone. I can tell you for sure that a good number of small business owners…