We have helped over 1,000+ students launch profitable businesses
Is Being an Entrepreneur For You?
- Would you like to follow your passion and be your own boss?
- Would you like passive income to get paid while sleeping?
- Would you like to work from anywhere in the world?
- Would you like to put your destiny back in your own hands?
Have you been discouraged by your parents and friends?
Have you been told your idea is stupid?
Have you gotten inspired, but didn't know where to start?
Have you tried creating a product no one wanted?
Have you launched a business that made no money?
My Name is Pejman Ghadimi
I am multi-millionaire and serial entrepreneur with over 8 different businesses in 3 different industries. I've written two best selling books on entrepreneurship and I have helped over 5,000+ people find success in business.
Today, I enjoy an incredible, luxury lifestyle which includes an insane car collection, custom made homes, private air travel, and more importantly - the ability to only work 3 hours per day (from anywhere I please).
Wouldn’t you like to do the same?
Maybe you think you can't, but I'm here to tell you otherwise.
My life wasn't always like this. Over a decade ago I was an illegal immigrant with a single mother, no money and begged the manager of McDonalds to let me clean the floors for $3 per hour.
I wasn’t lazy and I was willing to try anything, but I didn’t know how to start or what to do next, until I met a successful entrepreneur at one of my jobs who had the life I wanted and said something to me that really resonated with me.
“Over 60% of millionaires worldwide are made as a result of owning a business, not trading, and not real estate investing.” This statistic was from back in 1999. Today as of 2017, over 75% of millionaires are created as a result of being business owners, which means there is even more opportunity in entrepreneurship today than there was back when I started.
Today I am a Successful Entrepreneur and Choose to Give Back Through Teaching Others, Like Someone Once Taught Me
After building so many successful businesses and helped so many people, I have created a unique formula that I call "The Universal Language of Business," which can help anyone in any industry get started, scale, and become profitable in as little as 90 days.
If you have always known deep inside that you are destined to be great, are not lazy and are willing to work hard, you have the same opportunity I once had even if you lack funds, have no support, and no idea where and how to begin.
1. The Correct Mindset, and Heightened Self-Awareness
Find your passion, build focus and confidence, find internal motivation and work with purpose.
2. The Correct Business Formula
Uncover the correct idea, plug into the RADIUS formula, work in the right direction, and grow your business with speed and efficiency.
3. The Right Support and Leverage
Network with peers and mentors, look for partners and investors, and surround yourself with a network worthy of your net worth.
Fabio Vivani
Celebrity chef and restauranteur with revenues in excess of $65 million dollars per year.
Tom Bilyeu
Founder of Quest Nutrition, the 2nd fastest growing company with revenues in excess of $100 mil / year.
Andy Frisella
1st Phorm CEO and founder, started with $10 and now has revenues in excess of $150 million per year.
Having a fear of losing to bigger competitors.
Poor-minded friends often prevent their friends from growing.
Misunderstanding how business works because of media.
I want to spend 10 years figuring it out on my own.
I want to waste money figuring it out.
I want to spend 5 years building a network.
I want to go out and try to find mentors by myself.
I want to struggle finding clients.
I want to learn faster and be ready to start in 90 days.
Learn how to think, and focus like a world class entrepreneur.
Get an idea, learn business mechanics, and understand the universal formula to scale any business with RADIUS.
Get support, network and discover the top 100+ business industries worth having a business in and learn from the world’s best in each.
Study and learn for at least 1 hour per day.
Network and interact for at least 5 hours a week.
Bringing your idea to life with every second you have.
Jake Kasssan
Co-Founder of MVMT
“Your community helped me understand what an entrepreneur was”
John Temerian
Founder of Curated
"The knowledge you share is important because I never learned that in school."
Aaron Singerman
CEO of RedCon1
“People come up to me all the time and tell me my story resonates with them.”
Here’s What You Get:
Third Circle Theory
Book and Course
($199 Value)
You must first master yourself before you embark on entrepreneurship. Third Circle Theory is your blueprint to understanding your purpose, and how you can leverage self-awareness to overcome any situation you find yourself in. This is the difference between being a business owner and being a true entrepreneur.
RADIUS Book and Course
($249 Value)
Instead of chasing dreams, learn how to identify real business opportunities with real demand and audiences. By following RADIUS concepts, you can increase your chances of success tenfold and in much less time. You will learn how to go from just an idea to not just building a business, but an empire.
Secret Academy Membership
($297 Value)
The Secret Academy is the network and resource you need to move forward. You will get access to our online community of 30,000 like-minded individuals, exclusive invitations to offline events and meet-ups, and over 300+ mentorship videos from the world's most successful entrepreneurs (updated weekly).
Total Value of $745
Then $27 Per Month
It's Time For You to Take Action
If you follow our teachings and still don’t think you are ready to take on entrepreneurship in the next 30 days, then simply ask us a for gentlemen’s refund by emailing us by clicking here.
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